Animation Type: Clay Animation.
Type Of Film: Public Information Advertisment.
Theme: Anti-Bulling (Physical and Verbal)
Target Audience: Children/Teens. Aged 8-16.
Plot Description : The Bullies approach the victim, in a aggressive manor, they start calling out mean nick names. The victim looks down in shame. The Bullies push and try to aggravate the victim. The victims glasses brake as he falls to the ground. Then a message reads "Don't be a victim to this abuse.....REPORT IT !".
Advertising Standards Authority:
The Advertising Standards Authority is a UK independent regulator of advertising all across the media. These are the guidelines I have chosen which will be needed to taken into consideration when I'm making my clay-mation advertisement.
"Harm And Offence"- The subject of my advertisement may be insensitive towards some viewers, and is targeted for children. I will need to make sure my animation does not contain any offence material.